


Hero Brand

The brands that seek to save the world.

You are the Hero Brand.

You have a calling, something that drives to succeed and prove your worth through courage & mastery.



Brand Inspiration

Heroes in History

More than 2,500 years ago, Peisander, a Greek poet, told the story of Hercules whose courage could only rivaled by the gods. So great were his achievements, he ascended to Olympus and became a god.



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Is Yours a Hero Brand?

Every hero has a calling -
something that drives them to succeed and prove their worth through courage and mastery of their environment. Our heroes drive us to reach those same aspirational goals. Does your brand do the same and if so how can you convey that message through your design and marketing efforts?

Heroes in History

Heroes have inspired us since the dawn of time and still do today. More than 2,500 years ago, Peisander, a Greek poet, told the story of Hercules whose courage could only be rivaled by the gods. So great were his achievements, he ascended to Olympus and became a god when completed. Hercules is the quintessential hero story because he does not succumb to despair or fail in spite of his efforts – he presses forward and conquers everything set before him. His trials are our trials. His success is our success.

Heroes in Pop Culture

These themes appear again and again in songs, novels, and art of the past as well as films of today. For example, Star Wars and the tale of Luke Skywalker is timeless – it transcends the era in which it was made and tells a universal story that millions can understand and enjoy. For men and women in their 50s who watched it in the theater as young children and new audiences alike – Star Wars is a universal story and the multi-billion-dollar success of its movies, television shows, and books are a testament to the universality of that story.

Heroes in Marketing

Today, we don’t have to slay the 100-headed Laden dragon, but the vision of the hero lives on in modern Hero brands. Instead of a 100-headed dragon, the modern Hero brand faces a horde of evil corporations that seek profit at the cost of society. Hero brands like Nike drives us to do the same by showing us the path and giving us the motivation to go out and, just do it.

The Hero In Marketing

When marketing your Hero Brand, the motivations of your campaign are pure. They are immediately recognizable and resonant with the values of the audience. Brands that tap into this deepest of human connections understand how heroism projects them as more than just another product. Companies that get this include:


Nike seeks endorsements from the world's best athletes – the heroes of our day. They empower their customers through images of grit, competition, and victory.

US Army

The US Army tells a story of transformation and duty. They showcase the inspiration of their greatest warriors and the role those warriors play in not just defending, but embodying the American spirit.


Gatorade portrays the physical journey of our sporting heroes – the blood, sweat and tears each puts in to eke out yet one more percentile of greatness.

Summary of The Hero

Your Hero Brand is not the sum of its achievements, but that of the ideals it represents. We don't celebrate Hercules for defeating the Lion of Nemea. We celebrate him because he possessed the courage and ability to rise to the challenge. The purity of his ambitions and the clarity of his ideals are what inspire us – not solely the actions he took.

Let's Talk

Does your brand inspire? Do you seek out the best in yourselves and those around you and use that to communicate your brand to the world?

Yours is a Hero Brand.

And as a hero brand you need to communicate that inspiration to customers through the design, language, and presentation of your brand.

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